Sunday, July 8, 2007

3rd/4th and 5th July

Today Lauren has a trip to the hairdressers to sort out her hair. Luckily they only take around 5 inches of her length. When her hair is tied up it doesn't notice so much but you can still see what has happened when she has her hair down. Lauren is now quite subdued.

I call the company selling the land and let them know Kerry won't be coming down today and I pay the $1000 holding fee for the land.

The weather now has turned very wet and is has been raining quite a bit. I have have to stay a bit late to get the outstanding actions on a secutiry audit completed.

Wednesday and Thursday are quiet days although I did chase Pickford to find out about the Customs and Quaranteen. Quaranteen wanted to come back on Friday (they only do inspections on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays) to open 2 more items. Hopefully it won't be long now...

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