Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday June12th

This is the start of a short week at work and a very quiet one. The building work in the office is finishing up and at last the kitchen area is all but complete so we can get tea's and coffee's. The coffee bar downstairs though has some very attractive waitresses and is a welcome distraction.

We seem to be heading there each morning...wonder why? Coffee is pretty good I suppose and the service is execellent. Prices are pretty good, $7.50 (around 3quid) and you get 2 eggs 4 slices of bacon on bread cooked exactly as you ask and a coffee. I think my stomach is getting bigger, the food here is excellent and plenty of it. Even walking into the train staion you can smell all the different foods as you walk by. You are starving by the time you get on the train.

Kerry has been very subdued at home this week again, but we find the local swimming pool and we enquire about the swimming lessons for the girls. They perform an assessment of them and are then told that on the 2nd July we will need to call at 5.30 am to try and get them into the classes as they get booked very quickly. (it is the second July as this is the end of term)

There are 3 indoor pools and several outdoor ones, including a huge waterslide which is open in the summer. It has turned quite chilly now and temperatures at night are into the single figures and daytime is around 14 degrees but is now feeling colder.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week Beginning 4th June

I have now moved buildings at work. I am now part of the Project Delivery Unit (PDU). I have moved over to the 5th Floor in the building on Collins Street. Basically they have split BAU and project work so they can dedicate people to deliver the huge backlogof projects.

The building work on the floor is still on-going when we arrive and I find my desk behind a pile of partitioning. I am told I have been allocated a phone number and all I need to do is login to the phone. The problem being is that we have not been told what are new numbers are!!! One quick call to the site co-ordinator and he then e-mails me the spreadsheet. At last I have a desk and a phone number.

Whilst the buildings works are still on-going and I am happily getting on with some work...there is a noise from the air-conditioning.....the whole room goes dark and me eyes start to itch.... I could not believe what had just happened. My desk (and me) were covered with dead flies and black dust. Absolutely disgusting. The building manager told me that it was likely to happen one more time while they sort the air-con out and that he will let me know. That night Kayla won't come anywhere near me even though I had cleaned up. She was worried the flies were still in my hair.

We received the letter from pickfords re the furniture. Kerry was hoping to get it all before her birthday (23rd June). This would have been the full 8 week timescales we were given so we were quite confident it would all arrive around then. Nope, the letter stated the estimated date the ship was due to dock was the 26th June and then it would be an estimated 2-4 weeks from that date before we would receive it. Kerry was devastated, this was the first time she had been down and hit had hit her really hard. It is not easy living in the house with basically nothing comfortable to sit or sleep on and Kerry is pretty much there most of the time.

In he design team in the PDU is an ex EMC guy from the UK, Steve Hickey. He used to live in Hatfield (not too far from Luton). He had been over here for a couple of months longer than me and we talked about Kerry and are trying to arrange for Kerry and his wife Neeta to meet up and try and raise Kerry's spirits.

It's bank holiday weekend so we make an effort and we go to Healsville. Kayla is really excited to see the Kangaroos and the weather is still being good to us and it is a lovely sunny day.
It cost just over $50 for us to get in (around 20 pounds). Not too bad. We went straight to the Kangaroos where Kayla suddenly became nervous o them. With some encouragement we managed to get her to feed and stroke them (The sanctuary provided the fruit to feed them). Lauren showed no nervousness and was straight there stroking and feeding them. We then went round and saw the Koala's (sleeping on the tree), Possoms, Dingo's etc. We then went in to see the snakes, Lauren was really keen until we told her that they were poisonous and not like the ones back in the UK. She stood well back even though the were all behind the glass. We then tried to see the Platapus. We were looking in the enclosure and couldn't see then at all. So we looked around the area and found some info which said they were nocternal and we wouldn't be able to see the outside. So we went next door which was inside and quite date. In the water we saw them. We realised we really knew nothing about Aussie wildlife.....

The park was quite small really and it didn't take too long to get round, it was just right for the girls though as they were quite tired and ready to leave....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Week Beginning 28th May

It's Bank holiday in the UK again. We have missed both!! On Monday night we have a call from mum who is looking after the house while we are trying to sell it. We had asked her to discuss with the agents what we should do. The price is dropped as we need to sell quickly. An hour later my mum rings back to let us know the house has sold. The only thing is she mentions is that he wants to complete within 4 weeks. This was just what we needed.

Kerry is sad to see the house sold as she loved it but this is a major worry out of the way, especially as he wants to complete so quickly.

Later in the week we get an e-mail from Pickfords over here. They have been sent our details and require some information from us. I reply with our address and we are both relieved and hope to have our furniture soon as after a few weeks of sleeping on the floor and sitting on kitchen chairs and the like we could really do with it.

The weather now is starting to get chilly, the rain mainly comes at night but you can certainly feel winter is on it's way. The termperatures during the day have dropped to around 15 degrees and the nights down to around 7.

Kayla has been wanting for a long time to see Kangaroo's so I have a word with Rob at work and he lets me know of a sanctury where you can see them. It's called Healville Sanctuary, and he e-mails me the link to the website. (if you are interested... )

I decide if the weather is ok we will go over the weekend.

The weather is very changable over the weekend and Kerry decides she needs to clean the carpets as the are not too clean. We go and get a cleaner which will do what we need and expect as most of the house is hard floor that it won't take too long and we can go and see the Kangaroos on the Sunday....wrong it took all weekend.

I think to myself that I need to get Kerry away from the house and start exploring places. Next weekend is bank holiday weekend (Queens Birthday). The ideal time to get us all out and about.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More Interviews

Thursday and Friday are taken by doing more interviews. Deborah accidently leaves the rates on the resume so I see what the guys are asking.

They all are asking for more than what I am on but as I say to Deborah, I negotiated what I wanted and am quite happy with what I get. She seemed relieved that I won't say anything to anyone about what these guys are asking.

Deborah has been promoted from the team leader position to become the new manager of the EBR (Enterprise Backup and Recovery team) and everyone is being asked whether they would be interested in the team leader position. I mention that my priority is to get permanent residency which means basically being sponsored for a permanent role which would then give me pr. I also mention that it is a role that could interest me if I got a permanent role.

Again I am amazed that these guy are not very good technically. All apart from one guy in the Phillipines who stands out head and shoulders above anyone else. Deborah will make him an offer.

At home I get my TFN so I am now able to open a Superannuation account. At last, Maya a girl in the bank is really helpful and cannot do enough for me. To be honest she talks more about her pending trip to London than my super account but it all gets sorted quite quickly.

The weekend arrives, Lauren and Kayla have been missing their night lights so we go out to get those and an adapter so we can plug in our toothbrush as it has nearly died.

We enter an electrical shop and get the nightlight and adapter, the girls and Kerry (honest) go over to the Hi-fi's and then the TV's as we need to get both really. Kerry has her eye on a TV and it is on offer as it is the last one in stock, it is a 50" plasma. One thing we have found is that you can negotiate the prices on anything. The young lad comes over and tries to move us towards a more expensive TV but Kerry likes the Samsung which is reduced as it is the display model.

We need the stand too so I ask about what deals they can do for us with the TV stand and Cinema surround sound system. The girls have wandered off and are watching Chicken Little on another TV. We manage to get around $300 knocked off and then Kerry say if you throw in the Chicken Little DVD then we will buy it but we are not prepared to pay for delivery. So we get the DVD thrown in and the delivery costs knocked off as well. Not bad and we will get the TV and stand on Wednesday.

We then go to a park in the afternoon to have some fun with the girls.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Driving Licences

Monday is a relatively quiet day, at work I am asked to do some more technical interviews. I am finding that there are very few people around with storage skills. I know I was told that before I came over but seeing it is a different matter.

Kerry sorts out Kaylas Kindergarden and she will start on Wednesday.

On Tuesday morning we have the appointment at Vic Roads for our driving licences. We have our appointments at 9.15 and 9.30. On looking at the map we realise that after dropping Lauren off at school we won't have time to get from to Vic Roads on time. Cunning plan, Kerry drops me off at 8.30, I'll hang around until my appointment and that will give Kerry 30 mins to get back.

I get dropped off ok but Kerry on the way back to the school takes a wrong turn (despite me giving her the directions back). I am blissfully unaware as I fill in the application form, apparantly they will just punch a hole in our UK licences and just give us Victoria ones. No need for any driving tests. I am sorted within five minutes, I take my form to the nice lady who runs through it, then sends me to the cashier to pay the fee. Then I go to another desk where they take your photo and 2 minutes later you have your licence. Kerry calls to let me know she got lost and will be a few minutes late. Eventually she arrives and it's no big deal they sort Kerry's licence out just as quick.

Now I have my driving licence I can now open my super annuation account (pension) as they need both a passport and photo id (Uk licence is not valid on a super fund). Oh no I can't they now tell me I need my TFN which still hasn't arrived!!!

Oh well each step is one step closer to being sorted.

On Wednesday I need to go to the Immgration office to get our visa's witnessed. I go lunchtime thinking I will have enough time as the close at 1.30 on Wednesdays. It is a fair old walk to the office and I arrive...oh my word, the place is packed. There are queus everywhere. I get in a queue to go to the first desk. I a given a raffle ticket and told to wait. The ticket number is E167.
At first I thought I would get there quickly as I only need the visa's witnessed the rest must be applying for wrong I was. The queueing system took me a little while to work out but basically there were 26 desks each desk would look after the one of the letters on the ticket, luckily there were not all 26 letters in the alphabet in use. They then increased in number order. I then noticed a few others had different letters and there numbers were close to being called. Then came the first one with the letter E called..."E85 please go to counter 8". My heart sank I had over 80 people in front of me in the queue. As time went by more counters opened up to deal with the amount of people with the tickets starting with E. I eventually go to the counter and had all the visa's witnessed.

Kaylas first day at nursery went ok, she found it hard for Kerry to leave her but made a little friend called Ella.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pick up new car

As the weather has now turned a little bit unsettled. The temperatures have dropped a couple of degrees and we are getting some rain, usually overight. When it is not raining the sun is usually out and the days are very pleasant. Kerry states she is having trouble hanging the washing out (we don't have a vast array of clothing as most of it is bobbing up and down on the sea) and she is doing the washing daily, we decide to get a tumble dryer.

First of all though we need to pick up the car. We have had the windows tinted and some additional work done to ensure the paint work stay ok and the leather doesn't get stained. True to their word the garage has the car ready for us. The finance went through ok and we sign the insurance forms and we are ready to go. We decide to use the hire car for getting the tumble dryer and other things we need. We get the dryer, a small combi oven/grill and proper grilling thing, get them home and installed. We put the dryer in the garage as there is no room in the laundry room. The only thing now is (as we have just found out) we cannot use the vacuum cleaner and the dryer at the same time as they use the same power socket. Yes get this, we thought stupid owner has left a vacuum hos in the cupboard but no cleaner. We have found out that there are 2 outlets for want of a better word and you connect the hose into that and hey presto it all powers up and that is the vacuum. No lugging the appliance around the house, just the hose.

Once that was all done we took the girls to the park to have a play.

On Sunday we had to drop the hire car off, so Kerry drove the new car and followed me to the airport and we got rid of the hire car. The rest of the day was spent at a couple of parks playing.

Time is going so fast...

The last two days at work have flown by. We have at last sorted the bank account out, although we have the details we haven't the cards we can use to withdraw money or pay for anything.

Lauren has finished her first few days at school. She has settled really well and at the end of Friday is awarded the student of the week as she has settled so well. (We think it's more to make her feel settled in the school). We have handed over all her school work from her school in the UK. She appears to be way in advance of the other children, probably because she has been at school nearly a year longer than the others in her class.

Kerry is looking around for nursery's for Kayla, or as they are called here Kindergardens. They all seem to be more like places to leave children rather than educational places. Kerry manages to find one which looks like it may be ok. Kerry arranges a viewing for next week.

Kerry also finds out about our driving licences and where we need to go. It is all done at a company called Vic Roads. I call them and make an appointment for Kerry and I to get our Victoria driving Licences. This will be Tuesday morning. Again I ask Deborah if it is ok to come in late and again she is very happy to let me come in late.

I go round Robs house to try and access my e-mail folders. On the way over I see all police lights all over the place and road blocks in place. It is a spot check for drink and drugs driving. I get waved through, ok and am not stopped. In the middle of the road they have parked a mobile caravan which is where the drivers are taken to be tested. All a bit daunting when you are not expecting it.

I arrive at Robs and we try his pc with Outlook on. It can't read my DVD (my laptop at work could). It just couldn't browse past the first couple of directories. So we go to another pc. This one doesn't work either. So we get Robs work laptop, cut a CD and copy the files over and then try and load them. No joy, it is not recognising the files as outlook files. After a couple of hours we give up. Look up pickfords on the net and phone them to try and get hold of the person who was dealing the UK side. I leave a message on her answerphone to e-mail me so I can send her my details. What a nightmare.

Anyway Rob gives us some old office chairs for something to sit on instead of the hard floor and I return home. Now it is raining and when I pass the raod block again going home the police are all inside the caravan staying dry and not bothering stopping anyone.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Trains....

I am starting to commute for the first time. I have found a train station which is 10 minutes from where we are living. I have purchased a Metcard for a month. This allows me to use the trains and trams in Melbourne. The cost breaks down so that it is only costing me about $7.50 a day (about 3 pounds) to travel to and from work.

I have looked at the timetables and it takes about 30 minutes to get from the station to the centre of Melbourne. The station in Melbourne is literally a 5 minute walk from the office. Seems too easy.

Anyway I enter the station at around 8.15, plenty of time. I board the train. They seem to run every 5 minutes so if you miss one the next one is not far behind. I find out there are basically 2 different services. Express, which stops at just a couple of stations but then goes round something called the city loop which is an additional 4 stations which is like the Underground in London and the service which stops all stations but doesn't go round the city loop. Confused yet?

I was. I boarded the first train that came, they all end up at the same place so who cares which one you catch.
The trains are packed and there is only standing room available. It feels very similar to the undergound in London.
I arrive in the centre of Melbourne at Flinders street station and I follow everyone pretending I know what I am doing...only everyone soon realises that I haven't a clue. I am unable to exit the station as my Metcard is rejected. I cannot see anyone around who can help me.
I see 3 policemen so I decide to ask them. The chap was really helpful (and probably thought typical pom) and pointed me towards someone who "validated" my card so I could get out. I then realised you have to put your ticket into a machine to vaildate it every time you travel.

At work access is starting to appear. At the moment I have at least seven passwords and I haven't even started yet. I am advised to keep a spreadsheet of all my password as there will be a lot.

Rob the guy who has given the girls some toys to play with has offered us a television to borrow as we don't have one. We arrange for him to come over tonight to deliver it.

On the way home I try and find my train back. I eventually find the line that is the one I came in on and saw my station. Kerry picks me up when I arrive at the station and we head home.

We have something to eat and bath the girls and put them to bed. Rob turns up and we get the TV out of his car. He walks in and says "blimey I know you said you have no furniture but I didn't realise you really don't have anything."

Rob has also brought an arial lead and we set the TV up. He has also brought with him a bedside light for us to borrow. We discuss some things and I mention that I have not got the e-mail from Pickfords to send our new contact details to for the delivery of our furniture. Rob invites me round his tomorrow as I have backed up my pst files to my memory stick and a DVD.

At work (being IBM) we use Notes for e-mail so I am unable to access it from my work laptop.
I look for my memory stick and realise that it has been lost in the move from the hotel. Not to worry I have it all on a DVD so we should be ok.....

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tue 15th May - Moving Day

We get up and I rush to get ready. We pack the cases up and make sure everything is all packed away. I go to reception and they collect the car for us while I go back up to collect all the cases and assorted bags and toys.

With the help of the porter the car is packed. It is full from back to front. Even the front passanger seat is full with stuff. I then check out and pay the bill.

I then leave off for work and leave Kerry to go to the agency to collect the keys and move in. On the way to work I am called by the people delivering the fridge and washing machine. They will be at the house before 9. I call Kerry and let her know, she panics and gets in a bit of a flap and I call Tasha, as we are supposed to collect the keys at 10. I manage to delay the delivery by half an hour arrange Kerry and Tasha to meet at the house and all is calm again. I get a call from Kerry saying they couldn't install the washer as there was no hot water tap for it to connect to and the pipe wouldn't fit through the hole anyway. She was getting a bit stressed to say the least.

I tell her not to worry I'll have a look tonight and sort it. Kerry then pops off to buy the school stuff for Lauren. I get home and have a look at the washer. There is a hot water connection but the hole in the cupboard to fit the pipes through is too small. I just tell Kerry we will ask if we can make it bigger and sort it. No problem.

I am the told the air conditioning has not yet been connected and they are doing that tomorrow. No problem I though. We then had dinner on the floor and waited for the matresses and bedding to arrive. It was due around 6 ish. At 7 (the girls bed time) it still had not arrived. We plan how on earth we are going to sleep tonight as the shop has obviously closed so had no way of contacting them. By half 7 we decide to bath the girls and have decided to use clothes as a temporary matress and we would all stay together to keep warm. Luckily the temperatures were still around the 19 degree mark.

Today we had quite a few spells of rain, the first since we arrived. It was quite heavy and there seemed to be a huge relief around everyone as this was the heaviest rain they had had for quite a few years.

As Kerry is bathing the girls I decide to go and have a look up the road to see if the delivery guy s about. I see a van parked up the road and all of a sudden my mobile rings. It is the delivery guy and he is in the van parked up the road. In the dark he couldn't see the house numbers and with the rain, the roads were really greasy and he had to be careful. He was really appologetic but to be honest I was just so relieved to see him.

I quickly made the beds up and we all went to bed in our new house.

Mon 14th May

It's now Monday of our second week. I feel we have done ok so far. We have got a place to live and sorted the car. The two main things sorted.
At lunchtime we decide to go into the bank to open an account. We are given an appointment for tomorrow at 12.00.

I manage to fax over the the Ford dealership the details of our visa's etc (you need to prove on everything that you are here legitimately, which is a good thing).

At work I am asked by Deborah if I wouldn't mind helping out with an interview IBM are conducing.

I have 10 mins to review the resume and in we go. Luckily Angus has taught me well :-) and it all goes very well. I am not impressed with the technical ability and give the chap the thumbs down.

I leave off and look at the night sky. The weather has been so good for the first week and I am thinking this is ok, I can go with this. I get back to the hotel to find Kerry has sorted the school for Lauren and as soon as the forms are filled in and the uniform got she can start straight away.
Only Kayla and Kerry to sort now :-)

We have an early night as we have a busy day tomorrow moving out of the hotel and into the house.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First Weekend !

We got up and decided we needed to get some things for when we move into the house. Things like something to sleep on etc.

So we headed up to Doncaster and looked around for some shops. Tasha had given us an idea as to where the shops we needed were. We had also seen an advert on the TV for a shop which seemed to do furniture and electricals.

We found a little shopping centre in the next suburb call Box Hill. The car park was under renovation and it was a little unclear as to where we should be going, but we managed to park on the top floor. We nearly took out a few other cars on the way as we always seemed to be going the wrong way. Well Kerry was driving and I was hiding under the seat.

We found a few interesting little shops. Our main priority was bedding really. So we found a small bed shop. We had a chat with the girls in the shop and pointed out we only wanted an air mattress or similar for each ot the girls and one for us. They did foam mattresses which seemed ideal. So we got 2 singles which were 5 inches thick for the girls and a queen size for us. We also got some quilts as well. They promised to deliver them all on Tuesday for us but it would be around 6ish if that was ok. Absolutely ideal we thought.

We then bought a cheap dinner set, cheap cutlery set, a kettle, some pillows, a steamer for the Veggies and some basics for cleaning etc from other shops also. We went down our list and we left the shopping centre just having to get a fridge and a washing machine.

We drove back to Doncaster to have a look a cars as we desperately needed to get one sorted as the hire car was a big drain on the finances. We had to extend it for another week. We liked our hire car as it was big and we could just throw everything in the back no problem. After having the Volvo back in the uk we knew we needed this size car. So we went to the Ford dealership to get an idea of the costs etc. We were a bit worried as we knew we didn't have enough money to buy something outright and we would probably need to borrow some and use nearly a lot of the money for setting up the house. I was not sure when I was going to paid either and how much I would actually take home.

We looked at a 2004 Territory which was similar to the one we driving in spec. It was scratched quite a bit and to be honest we were not impressed that they hadn't tried to even touch up the scratches. Then the shock of the price $33,000 (around 13,500 pounds). I said to Kerry I thought they were not much more new. Lauren then needed the toilet so we went into the showroom for the toilets and I noticed a brand new one for only $5,000 more. (around 2,000 pounds). I spoke to Kerry when she came back and we thought for just a few grand more we would be better off if we could, getting the new one.

We had a chat with the salesman and they said they didn't believe the finance would be a problem. We also got included leather seats, side runners (it's an SUV like a BMW X5) and alloy wheels. Then I said you have the sale if you can get it for next Saturday. No problem they said.

We only had to pay a small deposit. Around 300 pounds and we had the car without breaking into any money. We had loads of paperwork to fill in for the finance as we had no credit history over here. Ford would check our credit back in the UK and they seemed confident that all would be ok. They also checked our visa's, our address (well future address anyway) and my job references. But all would be ok.

The law is much better here on finance, the finance companies can only charge interest on what you owe. It is illigal to charge you anything more than interest. If you pay back extra on any loan you cannot be penalised and you interest you pay goes down. Much more consumer orientated.

We then took the girls to a park we had seen and spent the rest of the day there.

On Sunday, we went to the furniture and electrical shop we had seen advertised. We bought a fridge and a cheap washing machine and it was agreed they would deliver on the Tuesday as well. Things were really coming together now. It will be so good to get out of the hotel so we can actually start living.

We then decided the girls needed to have some fun and they wanted to go back to the park to play. It was a really nice day again so we sat back and let them play. Both girls are visibly gaining in confidence, there is so much more space for them to play. Although the play area is small the is an Aussie rules footie pitch behind and this makes it feel much bigger. The other children and their parents are all keen to talk to you and help you.

Once the girls have had a play we drive round to have a little look at the schools we found on the internet. One looks very promising and Kerry says she will go to that tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Friday 11th May

It's Friday morning and Kayla's 4th Birthday.

We rush up to the agents, we are running late due to the alarm not going off!!! We call on the way to say we will be a little late. We arrive at 9am only 1/2 hour late!.

Anyway we sign the lease and we take a copy. Tasha will sort out all the services for us. They get you connected up, it is all very strange. Apparantly the electricty is shut off for the day (presumably they don't trust peoples readings) and then at the end of the day 6pm you can then turn it back on. Tasha says she will sort this all for us.

We come back to the city and I head off to work. At last I can now apply for my TFN. This can take upto 4 weeks but luckily as I am a contractor it should be with me in a week or so.

I get my timesheet signed. Deborah tells me I am like a breath of fresh air as I actually try to sort things for myself instead of waiting for it to happen. Deborah then takes me around the floor, looking out of the windows and showing me briefly what there is to do around Melbourne and where it all happens. Apparantly the Crown resort (a casino, shopping, restaurant,hotel and leisure complex on the riverside is having fireworks tonight for it's 10th anniversary. As it's Kayla's birthday and she has had not the best day with being in a Hotel we tell her the fireworks are a treat for her.

Melbourne is an amazing sight at night. The skyscrapers are all lit up. The sky always seems so clear. Very few clouds. There is even a wheel as you look down the river towards the cricket ground which has a light show all the time as it goes round. It is really pretty. Once I get the camera and a proper pc setup I'll post a picture.

Anyway, we crossed the bridge and came down by the riveside, Lauren and I got seperated from Kerry and Kayla as there were so many people. The really nice thing is that you feel totally safe and at ease. It didn't seem to matter as I knew they were ok. Lauren and I went to the riverside and sat down next to the pathway. The fireworks were spectacular, Lauren loved them. I saw Kerry and Kayla once it was all over and we were leaving. Kayla had loved them too.

We returned to the hotel and put the girls to bed. At least Kayla had something special to remember the day by.

Tomorrow we will have to go shopping and get some things for the something to sleep on. Our furniture is bobbing up and down on the sea and will be for sometime to come...

Thursday 10th May

We wake up to another sunny day. Every day so far has been the same 21degrees and sunny. Not to bad for autumn.

I get to work and look out over the bay from the window. The views are fantastic. Thinking back to Bowthorpe and SS2, it seems so long ago. The environments may be so different but the work is the same wherever you are.

I then set about faxing Tasha the form. We are in pretty much constant touch all day via e-mail and phone. Our house in UK is still not sold and I am asked about it. Once Tasha has seen the house for sale and spoken to my agency, who I work through, the house is pretty much tied up. The owner has given his approval and we just need to pop in and sign the lease agreement.

The owner has agreed to let us have the house on the Tuesday. So Kerry runs down and extends the hotel so we leave on the Tuesday morning. The Staff at the hotel are being really good as well and have been helping us sorting things out etc.

Again I speak to Deborah about coming in late the next morning and she is really good about it. She says she understands and that it is better to do it now while I am still awaiting all my access so it is no problem.

I have been helping Kathrine - a young aussie girl who seems to be very unsure of herself. She has been in storage for 18 months. I take her through a few things and help her out a bit. I also sort out the access forms, fill them all in and just hand them to Deborah to sign. I was a bit worried when she asked how I had come by these forms and how I had got all the info. Still she seemed happy enough to sign them.

Security e-mailed me and I was called to have my photo taken for my pass. At last I may be able to get out from the toilets on my own....

I feel a lot happier today. I feel with sorting somewhere to live that is a big step forward. The hotel cost will be gone. The other large bill we have at the moment is the hire car. We have that till Sunday. We may need to extend that too. Still a good day and we set the alarm early for tomorrow as we need to be in Doncaster for 8.30 to sign the lease....

Wednesday 9th May

It is now Wednesday I leave for work leaving Kerry to arrange some viewings. It is becoming quite apparant that rental houses (decent) move very quickly. It is another fantastic day, sunny, clear blue skies and temperatures around the 21 degree mark.

Kerry arranges to view one in Frankston where we went when we arrived. Rob at work told me to stay well clear of that area as it is not the most desirable area. We then chat for a while and he gives me a run down on the areas which are the nicer areas. I call Kerry and let her know.

I try and register on-line for a TFN (Tax File Number). This means that I won't be paying 46% tax on everything. It is like our NI numbers and gets you on the system properly. It won't let me apply as I do not have a residential address in Australia yet. Kerry has the same problem when trying to ask about opening bank accounts. I also need to open a Super annuation account (like a pension fund). Again this I can't do until I have a TFN and an address. Also we cannot get a car until we have an address.

Kerry calls me about a house we had seen advertised in a suburb call Doncaster. I check with the people at work and they all confirm that it is a nice area with plenty of parks etc for the girls to play in. Kerry calls the agents and we arrange to view that evening. I have to ask to leave work early and this is not even an issue. Everyone here is so good to me with trying to help out.

I leave early and take the toys Rob has brought in for the girls back to the hotel. We then follow the map which was printed out for me to find the house. The viewing is at 5 and we arrive in plenty of time. It seems a very quiet area. The house is new and looks fine for what we need. It is only a 3 bedroom house with a tiny back yard. The way the houses around are set out it looks like the owner has bought some land and crammed 3 houses onto it. Looking around it seems a familiar trend. It certainly seens people are selling their back gardens for people to build houses on. The prices of houses are very high in Melbourne (cheaper than the UK but very expensive for Australia).

The agent Tasha is a very attactive blonde lady in her late 20's. She leaves us alone to go round the house and is not pushy in any way. Probably fancied me but with Kerry around didn't want to make it too obvious. We decide that we would like the house. Then we discuss with Tasha what we need to do.

We took along cash for the bond and the first months rent but they wouldn't take cash. Problem , it needed to be a bankers draft. As we have no address we have no bank account so we can't get the bankers draft. We explain to Tasha and we come to an arrangement with her to put it on a credit card. She then leaves us with a rental from which we have to fill in. We go back to the Hotel wondering how we are going to fulfill the requirements on the references, bank account info etc...

The house was goint to be avaiable from next Thursday so we push Tasha to try and get it earlier for us. She didn't seem to think that would be a problem.

We head back to the hotel in determined mood not to lose the house. We fill in the form as best we could and e-mail a few people asking them to be our references if needed. We cheekily put them down anyway as we needed to fax the form to Tasha the next day.

we order room service again and crash out...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Tuesday 8th May - Day 2

I wake up feeling a bit better. The girls are still fast asleep. I tell Kerry to get some phone's (we have to get PAYG as we have no address), and get Kerry to call the agents over some houses we had seen advertised.
I hobble to work. I now have a temporary desk as someone is on holiday. I still don't have a pc but it is promised by the end of the day. I have a temporary pass which doesn't let me in anyware. So I have to tailgate everyone. I do have one major problem though...the toilet. I can get to them through the door ok but the problem is you need to swipe to get out back onto the floor.

I help Vasantha do some work. I have found out that the storae estate on the account I'm working on is a bit of a mess to say the least. The amount of servers/authentications you seem to have to go through is just unbelievable. There must be at least 20 Arrays IBM manage now with quite a few new DMX-3 coming online shortly. The legacy arrays are all full and the plan is to migrate 40% of the storage off the legacy arrays onto the new DMX-3's and that will give them room to grow. I think when I get sorted I will be busy.

I try to help where I can but I feel pretty useless at the moment. I am then told that I can dress down, there is no need for suits. IBM are pretty relaxed about dress code unless you meet the customers.

Another Rob has offered me some toys for Lauren and Kayla to play with, so he'll bring them in tomorrow for me. At last at the end of the day I get my laptop. Tomorrow I can start to sort myself out. I am then given a locker so I don't have to lug everything around with me. IBM have a clear desk policy.

Another very pleasant sunny day. No clouds and really peaceful. My first impressions of Melbourne are very good. Everyone wants to help you.

I leave and enjoy (apart from my feet killing me) the walk back to the hotel. Kerry has got some mobiles, so at least we can talk. Hang on no we can't we need to register them. So I then spend the next couple of hours on the complimentry Internet (which cuts you off after 30 mins...really annoying when you are trying to sort something out and you lose it all). Still it's sorted and Kerry starts to ring the agents regarding houses. We realise that we are due to move out of the hotel the nxt morning so Kerry extends our stay till the weekend.

I quick bite to eat and off to bed...

1st Day at work

Blimey, only arrived yesterday and now I'm off to work. The Hotel Manager has told me it is only a 10 minute walk to Southgate. Which is where IBM are and where I need to go.

I leave Kerry and the girls fast asleep in the room. It is 8.30 I am suited and booted. New shoes and they are really hurting my feet. I walk the way we went yesterday and I find it quite quickly after 15 minutes. I realise that I could have taken a quicker way by the river but I'll remember that for the way home.

I am standing outside "IBM Tower" as they call it. My feet are really hurting so I remove a shoe only to find my foot has been bleeding quite badly. I purchase some plasters from a conveniently located chemist in the Southgate complex and put them on the burst blisters. My hands are now covered in blood. This is not a good impression to be giving, a cut over my eye and my hands covered in blood and this is only my first day!!!

I manage to find some public toilets clean myself up and head back to the reception at IBM Tower. Security is not too friendly and they summon someone down to collect me after grilling me about whether I will be working here or somewhere else.

Adrian, who is originally from Ireland comes down to collect me. He is very casually attired to say the least and I am taken up in the express lift to the 17th floor. The lifts in the building are split into 3 sections, on the left for floors 10 through to 19. in the middle for floors 20 through to 29 and on the right for floors 1 to 9.

The lift makes me smile as it enters the so called Express Zone it shows on the display EZ and trust me you need to be.

I am feeling really tired and my feet are killing me but I try not to let it show. I am told I don't have a desk yet, or a laptop or any access, reminded me of NU. Then I met Bevan who is the Manager of the Storage area. Angus' equivilent but I soon realised he was nothing like Angus when he said to me, "Just chill for this week mate, you won't be able to do anything so take it easy...."

I just sat there thinking, what can I do so I tried to sit over Vasantha's (a chap from Sri Lana) to get an idea of the setup. Without a PC though there is very little you can do. Debrorah the Team Leader comes over to me at 4pm and says, you look so jet lagged, go home and get some sleep.

I walked back home not quite sure what they thought of me. I decided to try and see if the walk by the river was was and so much nicer. A great view of the city and a really nice walk back past the shops and cafe's which lined the riveside. The sun was shining, it was really warm and there was not a cloud to be seen. I got back to the hotel to find Kerry and the girls had been trying desperately to get in touch with me regarding house to rent...tomorrow we must get some phones. I find out they all slept till gone 10, I wished I had, I felt bloody awful. We look at a few houses for rent but I am so tired I just have a quick bite to eat and go to bed...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Arriving In Melbourne

At last we have arrived... It was now Sunday 06:10 local time (UK +9hrs)

It was the usual waiting around when we arrived at the airport. The first queue was immigration. It seemed to move pretty quickly and we got through ok. Then at baggage reclaim the suitcases came off really quickly and altogether as well...bonus. We were not sure where the car seats would be. We were quickly shown over to an area and just by magic a guy appeared carrying the bottom of the car seats but not the backs to them. After a quick chat he went away and within a few minutes he found them. We were really impressed how quick we got all our stuff together. We then went through Quaranteen. We decided as we had some food stuff we ought to declare it. We went to the Quaranteen area and we were ok and they decided not to look in our cases. On walking out we noticed all the people who had nothing to declare were being searched..... I think we did the right thing grin....

We only had to cross the road to collect the hire car. We had ordered an estate and after what had happened to the cars in the UK I was a bit concerned that we would need to upgrade again to fit the suitcases in. No need they had given a Ford Territory. An SUV with a massive boot. The girl at the desk was really helpful and couldn't do enough for us. Helping us with were to go for houses, what were the better areas to live and where our hotel was.

The 4 large suitcases and all the bags just disappeared in the huge boot of this car and off we set. We decided to head into Melbourne CBD (Central Business District) to find our hotel and where I would be starting work the next morning. We were all very tired. From the Airport there is a toll road to Melbourne. We were told that we could purchase the tickets (as it was all electronic) at Shell petrol stations and newsagents. We pulled into a newsagents and as I got out the car door swung open and hit my head. Now I had a cut over my and and it was bleeding quite a bit. The newsagent had no idea what I wanted so we went in search for a Shell garage.

We eventually found one and the chap in there had no idea how to purchase these tickets. It was an automated machine. Eventually I worked it out and into Melbourne we went.

We found the Hotel quite easily, helped by the map the car rental people gave us :-). Then we found where I was to be working. A 30 story building, looking very impressive. Didn't look to far a walk from the Hotel either.

Then we went down the coast to look at some potential areas for renting a house. The girls were fast asleep in the car. We ended up in a town called Frankston which was right on the coast and look quite nice about 30Kms from the City. We then drove back to Melbourne stopping at a few places on the way back to look at a few house and estates. We got lost and had a bit of trouble finding the freeway back but we eventually got there. We checked into the hotel, ordered room service and crashed out for the night...

The Flight

Eventually after waiting around the airport it was time to board the flight. The girls were very excited. They were really well behaved, even after being in queue after queue whilst getting through all the security checks. Evetually we boarded the plane. We had got 4 seats together so we sat Lauren and Kayla in between us. Luckily as it had been a long day they both feel asleep pretty much straight away.

The food was very good for airline food. The girls and Kerry were all fast asleep so they missed theirs. I couldn't get any sleep as Lauren decided daddy was far more comfortable to go to sleep on and slept right across me and trapping my arm thus stopping me from getting any sleep and making my arm go dead. Kayla on the other hand was quite content to sleep on her seat so Kerry managed to get a few hours on the flight to Singapore.

Once Lauren woke up I thought I might be able to get a bit of sleep...wrong she wanted me and then Kayla and then Kerry to show them all how the inflight entertainment worked. Oh well nearly at Sinapore....Breakfast was then served. Not the best but ok. Although Lauren got a bit stuck in her throat and threw up. The stewardesses were very nice... they also helped me clear up the mess. We had some spare clothes for the girls so I changed Lauren but we had no spare trousers for her. We will get some in Singapore.....

We arrived in Singapore but could find no shops which sold childs clothes. So we cleaned Laurens up as best we could. Only in Singapore for 3 hours so quickly back on the plane ad then a pretty uneventful 6 hour flight to Melbourne. The Girls and Kerry slept pretty much all of the flight while I still had a dead arm with Lauren lying on me. I must have extra padding I think. Anyway I did at least manage to get an ours sleep.

Moving out!

We first booked the removal container and Pickfords to come in and pack up the house. Ours was a 3 day move plan, they would come in on Tuesday 1st May and Wed 2nd May to pack up, the container was then due to arrive on the Thursday to take it all away. This meant we had nowhere to sleep on the Thursday night so we booked a hotel at Heathrow. Nice and easy we thought.

We then booked the flights for the 4th May (we chose Singapore Airlines as they had more stuff on the plane for the girls to do) only to be told the earlier flight that day was fully booked and we had to book the 10:15 PM flight. Long day Friday we thought. Oh well not to worry. We then had to drain our waterbed on the Tuesday as it would take a long time to drain, dismantle and pack. So we slept in the spare bed for the 2 nights and didn't get too much sleep...However Thursday morning our Visa's were finally through and I quickly printed them all off.

Tue and Wed the Pickfords guys did a brilliant job of packing up the house, on the Thursday the container arrived early, we had to pick up the hire car at 12 and so we left the guys to load the container. On collecting the car we were told it had broken down on the way and they only had a Saloon car when we needed an estate as we had 4 large suitcases. After a little chat Hertz finally agreed to let me have a VW Sharan. Quite lucky really as I don't think the cases would have got into an estate anyway. When we got back the container had been loaded and had gone. We were well happy, we then spent a couple of hours clearing and tipping a load of stuff when we suddenly realised the bags we were going to use for hand luggage on the plane had been packed up and put in the container!!!

We had no time to get any more so we put the hand luggage in carrier bags. Went off to Heathrow poping in to Kerry's mum and the my Dad on the way and got to the Hotel all very tired. The Hotel managed to put us in joining rooms (which was nice) and we all settled down for the night. at 4 am we were all woken by a fire alarm, which we later found out was someone breaking the break glass. 3 nights now without any proper sleep.

In the morning we had to have the hire car back early and as we were all up anyway, we packed up the car and I dropped the Kerry and the girls with all the cases, carrier bags, food which we had taken and the car seats (which we needed once we got to Melbourne) at 9.10 am and I delivered the car back safely in the knowledge that we could check in 24 hours early and get rid of the cases etc and the we could relax...wrong... We could check the cases in at 5.30 pm at the ealiest. Oh well a long day at Heathrow. Anyway we got a couple of bags for hand luggage and transfered all the changes of clothes etc to the bags and then tried to amuse the girls for 8 hours.

5.30 finally arrived. We went to check in and the belt broke down at check in. We were also asked if we were emigrating as the cases were overweight and if we were we would be fine. Of course we were we told her and showed her the printed e-mails confirming the visa's. She really wasn't sure and called her boss. An hour later we were moved to another check in person who seemed to be a lot more knowledgable shall we say and swiped our passports and hey presto the confirmation of the emigration visa's were there.

As we were waiting in the departure lounge Kerry went off and two men and an old lady sat down next to us, they were of middle eastern origin. Kayla felt a bit scared and came over for a cuddle, Kerry came back and the girls wanted to go off with her while I looked after the bags. All of a sudden one of the men offered me something to eat, I wasn't sure at first what it was but I was a bit nervous so I politely refused. I suddenly realised he wasn't taking no for an answer. So I politely took a piece of pineapple as it turned out. Then the old lady thrust something under my nose also, again I wasn't allowed to refuse, this turned out to be a baby raw carrot. Then before I had finished the carrot more pineapple was thrust at me.

Luckily Kerry and the girls came back and Kerry had bought me some steak crisps ha ha I offered them a crisp, one of the men tried one and we spoke for a while in very bad english (and that was just me). They came for Dubai and were fascinated by Laurens' fair skin.

They then left making me feel more at ease as I really didn't want any more pineapple or carrots.