Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week Beginning 4th June

I have now moved buildings at work. I am now part of the Project Delivery Unit (PDU). I have moved over to the 5th Floor in the building on Collins Street. Basically they have split BAU and project work so they can dedicate people to deliver the huge backlogof projects.

The building work on the floor is still on-going when we arrive and I find my desk behind a pile of partitioning. I am told I have been allocated a phone number and all I need to do is login to the phone. The problem being is that we have not been told what are new numbers are!!! One quick call to the site co-ordinator and he then e-mails me the spreadsheet. At last I have a desk and a phone number.

Whilst the buildings works are still on-going and I am happily getting on with some work...there is a noise from the air-conditioning.....the whole room goes dark and me eyes start to itch.... I could not believe what had just happened. My desk (and me) were covered with dead flies and black dust. Absolutely disgusting. The building manager told me that it was likely to happen one more time while they sort the air-con out and that he will let me know. That night Kayla won't come anywhere near me even though I had cleaned up. She was worried the flies were still in my hair.

We received the letter from pickfords re the furniture. Kerry was hoping to get it all before her birthday (23rd June). This would have been the full 8 week timescales we were given so we were quite confident it would all arrive around then. Nope, the letter stated the estimated date the ship was due to dock was the 26th June and then it would be an estimated 2-4 weeks from that date before we would receive it. Kerry was devastated, this was the first time she had been down and hit had hit her really hard. It is not easy living in the house with basically nothing comfortable to sit or sleep on and Kerry is pretty much there most of the time.

In he design team in the PDU is an ex EMC guy from the UK, Steve Hickey. He used to live in Hatfield (not too far from Luton). He had been over here for a couple of months longer than me and we talked about Kerry and are trying to arrange for Kerry and his wife Neeta to meet up and try and raise Kerry's spirits.

It's bank holiday weekend so we make an effort and we go to Healsville. Kayla is really excited to see the Kangaroos and the weather is still being good to us and it is a lovely sunny day.
It cost just over $50 for us to get in (around 20 pounds). Not too bad. We went straight to the Kangaroos where Kayla suddenly became nervous o them. With some encouragement we managed to get her to feed and stroke them (The sanctuary provided the fruit to feed them). Lauren showed no nervousness and was straight there stroking and feeding them. We then went round and saw the Koala's (sleeping on the tree), Possoms, Dingo's etc. We then went in to see the snakes, Lauren was really keen until we told her that they were poisonous and not like the ones back in the UK. She stood well back even though the were all behind the glass. We then tried to see the Platapus. We were looking in the enclosure and couldn't see then at all. So we looked around the area and found some info which said they were nocternal and we wouldn't be able to see the outside. So we went next door which was inside and quite date. In the water we saw them. We realised we really knew nothing about Aussie wildlife.....

The park was quite small really and it didn't take too long to get round, it was just right for the girls though as they were quite tired and ready to leave....

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